Azure DNS

So, first of all, I’m so sorry. My plan was to release this post in the week after the ignite, but I had so much to do. So, let’s start with my post about Azure DNS. Have Fun!

Since this year’s Ignite Azures DNS is not in preview anymore. So I decided to have a closer look at Azure DNS. Azure DNS is a Nameserver service hosted by Microsoft and controlled by Azure. At the moment, you can manage your public DNS entry’s but you can’t register new TLDs.

Let’s start with the creation of a new DNS zone:

The creation itself is very fast, and after it you can directly see the default entrys:

Because I want to migrate my entry’s from GoDaddy to Azure DNS, I simply create a new Record set of the type CNAME. As you can see there is nothing really complicated about Azure DNS ๐Ÿ˜‰

Last step is to change the name server from the GoDaddy servers to the Azure DNS server. (Sorry accidentally the screenshot is in german)

So basically, that’s it with Azure DNS. So far nothing special. But let’s think about the perks of Azure DNS. And, in my opinion, the biggest perk is PowerShell.

With the New-AzureRmDnsRecordConfig cmdlet it is possible to create a new record config. With the New-AzureRmDnsRecordSet it is possible to use the config and create the new record:

So PowerShell is really a cool thing. But what is better than PowerShell cmdlets? โ€“ Exact! PowerShell Scripts ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I created this small Script to build my own DynDNS with Azure DNS:

$Record = Get-AzureRmDnsRecordSet -Name <Record Name> -ZoneName <Zone Name> -ResourceGroupName <Azure Resource Group> -RecordType A

$Record.Records[0].Ipv4Address = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

Set-AzureRmDnsRecordSet -RecordSet $Record

To automate the DynDNS update with this script I used an Azure Automation Hybrid Worker with a scheduler.

Hope you enjoy Azure as I do and have a nice day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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